English Poems

  • May 2020
  • Do not give up yet

    We are going through a trying time, but we need to stay strong and fight with the current situation. Just do not give...

  • Life

    Life is full of crests and troughs but this is what makes it full of adventures and worth living.

  • A Beggar Child

    Poverty is the biggest tradegy in this world. Every year around 9 million people die of hunger in the world. Please h...

  • Sometimes I think..

    We can be all we want in our life, we just need to try.


    Dreams, I see very rarely,But I remember them very fairly.One night I saw a lovely dream,A school of chocolate & ...

  • April 2020
  • You are my hero Dad!

    A father has many responsibilities on his shoulder and He is always the first hero of a girl. This poem engraves such...